I love reading books by Christian authors, both fiction and non. One of the common themes is the idea that God would call on us, believers, toward certain acts of faith. The calling can be as "simple" as helping a neighbor or sacrifice everything. Throughout the Old Testament are multiples of how God called on certain individuals to serve His higher purpose. Moses resisted and made excuses. Abraham responded unwaveringly. Gideon required proof. I don't dare suggest that my calling compares to theirs. My point is that we are all mere creations of God Almighty and cannot easily discern His purposes.
So what of this seemingly esoteric concept of a 'calling'? There was no thundering voice. There were no bright lights. As I wrestled with the decision and overcame each of the objections, applicable verses from Scripture came to mind. As I look back on my recent experiences, I realized that viewed together, they led to this moment. It seems foreign now that we volunteered to lead a Small Group, where we met Gary and Michelle. It was also in the Small Group that my faith grew and my testimony found a voice. God's blessing led to the decision and possibility of Peggy retiring and having time to be home with the kids. Without this flexibility, this trip would be much more difficult. Back in December, after meeting up with our cousins who were in town, we started on a diet that now makes me feel more physically prepared. Even down to the date -- Peg and I had planned to be in N. CA the weekend before the 28th. So we'll actually be in town as the group prepares to leave for Cameroon.
Yes, it may still seem to some that this is all mere coincidence or justification after the fact. In the end, the calling seemed sure. As time passed, my prayer evolved from, "Let me know your purpose" to "I'm prepared to answer. Tell me if this is not what you want from me."
I spoke with Gary. I told him I hadn't yet decided but I would need a clear sign from God that this is NOT His will for me to say, "No."
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